Dear parents and guardians
Thank you very much for choosing Apple Youchien from among the many early childhood education institutions for your child.
Apple Youchien is every child’s ‘home away from home’ where they can spend their time surrounded in happiness. Established in 2005, we dreamed of creating a place where children can cultivate a rich childhood.
Through their time here, we hope that every child will be able to feel the changing seasons and nature all around them and will be able to fully express themselves as an individual.
We look forward to working together with you as the parents and guardians of these wonderful children given to by God so that we may carefully guide them through this important time of their lives.
                          Apple Youchien Director: Yukiko Ono 

​About Apple
Apple Youchien (also known as Apple-Chan) is a pre-school filled with love and is committed to nurture the unique capacities of each individual, making all children feel at home. Children that live in the US will be able to experience many traditional Japanese events and learn Japanese expression and culture. (We also offer our Apple Methodology in our English childcare class.)
Apple Youchien (Chula Vista): Lic. # 376617198
Apple Youchien (San Diego): Lic. #376701152
Apple Youchien is led by well experienced teachers that have teacher’s credentials from both Japan and the US who are dedicated to becoming great role model for all children.
LifeWays Early Childhood Program Graduate (http://www.lifewaysnorthamerica.org/)
Childcare Days M・T・W・Th・F(9:00am~14:00pm)*Extended care available (onokori-san)
Age Range 3-5 Years Old+ (*Mixed age class )           
(*Please consult with us if your child is in the Kindergarten age range. )
Classes(*Classes start at 2 days/week. Enrollment priority: 5 days/week→3 days/week→2 days/week.)
<CV Site> 316Lemire Dr. Chula Vista, CA91910
* Hoshi (Star)Japanese Childcare 9:00~14:00:MW or MWF or M-F(Hoshi+ Hana)
* Hana (Flower)Japanese Childcare 9:00~14:00:TTH or TTHF
<SD Site> 2550 Fairfield St., San Diego, CA 92110
* Sora(Sky)Japanese Childcare 9:15~14:15:MWF or M-F(Sora+Umi)
* Umi (Ocean)Japanese Childcare 9:15~14:15:TTH
* Yama(Mountain)Japanese Childcare 9:00~14:00:MWF or M-F(Yama(JPN)+Moon(ENG))
* Moon(English Childcare)9:00~14:00)TTH
(* Moon class enrollment priority will go to those enrolling in Yama+Moon (5 days/week) first.) 

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